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2 citat
Edward: "I wrote a biography about us on MySpace, saying we’re going to take the music industry and recreate it. That was two years ago, long before we went on X Factor. And it actually did happen."Edward: "I wrote a biography about us on MySpace, saying we’re going to take the music industry and recreate it. That was two years ago, long before we went on X Factor. And it actually did happen."
If we could be any other celebrity we would be…
John: "I would be Lindsay Lohan because we're really, really good and she's really, really bad."
Edward: "No, we'll be Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie because that would be us older so we can do all these rebellious things and people will love us."
Edward: "I wrote a biography about us on MySpace, saying we’re going to take the music industry and recreate it. That was two years ago, long before we went on X Factor. And it actually did happen."Edward: "I wrote a biography about us on MySpace, saying we’re going to take the music industry and recreate it. That was two years ago, long before we went on X Factor. And it actually did happen."
If we could be any other celebrity we would be…
John: "I would be Lindsay Lohan because we're really, really good and she's really, really bad."
Edward: "No, we'll be Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie because that would be us older so we can do all these rebellious things and people will love us."